Friday, December 31, 2010

My idiot's guide to start running (Part 1)

    For those of you who are thinking of going into RUNNING, here are some basic pointers one should consider:

     1. Consult a physician. It is very important that you go see a doctor and inform him/her of what you plan to go into. Better be safe than sorry. It is a fact that while anybody can go into running, running is also not for everybody. A cardiologist can best identify if you are fit enough to run.

     2. Make sure you are wearing proper attire- with this i mean you should wear any dri-fit shirt/jersey/singlet, running/hiking shorts, and of course, running shoes. It does not matter if you use expensive or cheap brands as long as you are using appropriate gear (i.e. basketball shoes for playing basketball, tennis shoes for playing tennis, etc.)

     3. Start and finish each session by doing some basic stretching exercise/drill and then walk.

     4. Follow a program. You can adopt another person's start up program, you can download through the web or you can make one for yourself. Do not forget to include a timetable of your activity/exercise. A sample program would be to start by walking for the first 2-3 weeks, insert slow jog on the 4th week and gradually run on the 6th week. Each session should last at least 30 minutes.

     5. Set a goal. By this, i mean you should promise yourself to accomplish or conquer a certain distance over a given period of time. This will motivate and inspire you to run and train more often.

     6. Start on your own. As you are just beginning, it would be better if you are alone and go about at your own pace. Do not worry, over time you would surely be able to find a running buddy.

     7. Look for a place that is convenient and ideal for you. Here are some options:
         a.) LimKetKai Center- if you live within the city proper, this is a good place to start walking and gradually progress into some light running. You can come here any day of the week. Ideal time would be from 5:00 am to 7:00 am. One loop around the complex is approximately 1kilometer or 1000 meters. You can also walk/run around their open space parking lots (one in front of Robinsons and another one beside Grand Caprice Restaurant). On the downside, it is a little bit dusty/polluted and better watch out for vehicles passing by.
         b.) Pelaez SportsCenter Oval Track- ideally located in the heart of the city, you can come here at any time of the day. The floor is rubberized so as to lessen impact on your joints/feet. No cars, less polluted albeit it can get boring going around in less than 500 meters circles. You also get to meet new friends & fellow runners and engage in what a runner friend calls "Tsismis Run". You can choose to pay the daily rate of P30. or the annual 'unlimited use' fee of P2,000.
         c.) Pueblo de Oro Township- for those living "uptown", this is the best place for you to take up the sport. With its wide paved roads, it is ideal for those planning to train for their first 5km or up to 10km fun runs. You can start in the fountain behind SM City and work your way around the surrounding communities.
         d.) Mountain Meadows- not for the meek upstarts, this hillside property development offers a great view of our city's shoreline. Ideal for hiking or for those who want to get away from the city's hustle and bustle. It features a 1.5 kilometer uphill climb which will surely test your body.
         e.) Sportszone and Rodelsa Circle- one loop around this area is approximately 900 meters. Again, it is quite polluted and has moderate vehicular traffic.
         f.) If you live in a subdivision or a gated community, then it is always a practical choice to just roam around your own neighborhood.
         g.) And lastly, there is the treadmill which you can use  right in the very comforts of your nearby gym or your home.

     8. When on the road, you must always, i mean always stay on your left side. You should be against the flow of vehicular  traffic at all times, this way you can see cars or anything that comes your way. Also, be mindful of those stray dogs but never look at them directly in the eye.

     9. Hydrate yourself before, during and after every session. Remember that taking in fluids is always good for your body whether you are into running or not.
     10. Listen to your body. You know your body best, so only you can best determine when to start, when to push yourself and when to stop.

     So, start a healthy and active lifestyle. Go out and have fun. Appreciate your surroundings. Discover the beauty of our city like you've never seen before. Meet new people.  Happy Running!


  1. Francis! Bai I am inspired to become swine like you. Then when people tell me "ang baboy mo", that will illicit a smile. I hope to read more of your blogs but more importantly, take up running too. Pero Run Easy lang.

    Best bro

    Mckoi Pernia

  2. thank you mckoi. i just want to share the joys i found in running, especially here in our city. Mabuhay ang Running sa CdO!!
